Drop Off & Pick Up
To ensure student safety they should be here no earlier than 8:25 a.m. when outside supervision begins. (They should line up at their classroom magnet on the east side of our building.) Classrooms will not be open to students prior to 8:40 a.m. unless there is inclement weather. For safety reasons, parents will be called and students will be sent home when arriving unnecessarily early.
Students should be dropped off and picked up in the designated area of the back parking lot. Please do not get out of your car.
During pick up, students will be escorted to their parent’s car by staff members who are on duty. Please do not encourage your child to cut through the parking lot as their lack of visibility creates a safety hazard.
Please be prompt in picking your child up. Students who have not been picked up by 3:30 p.m. will be sent to the office and we will make every attempt to contact a parent or emergency contact.