Learn more about Jefferson Elementary's PTA, including current events, fundraisers, and more by visiting the website. You can also email with questions.

Jefferson PTA Website

What is the PTA and what does it provide?

Washington State PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) is the largest volunteer association dedicated to the education, health, welfare, and safety of all children in Washington State.

When you join the Jefferson PTA, you support local, state and national efforts to improve the lives of children and their families.

The PTA provides many things to our students and teachers here at Jefferson. We provide these things through fundraising and volunteers so please consider helping where you can. 

Below is a list of some of the many things the PTA at Jefferson sponsors or supports:

  • Family Events like Bingo Night, Winter Festival, and much more!

  • Student Events like the Reflection Art Program, Book Fairs, and Jog-a-thon!

  • Teacher Support like conference dinners and Teacher Appreciation Week activities!

  • Classroom & Club Grants

  • Field Trip Busing: The Richland SchoolDistrict no longer pays for transportation for field trips. PTA pays for busing for your child’s field trips.

Meetings & Membership

PTA meetings are held monthly in the Jefferson library.  The dates are announced via email, social media, and Parent Square.  

Childcare is provided by Hanford High Key Club.

Join the Jefferson PTA

Social Media

Jefferson PTA is on social media! Click the links below to follow us.

Jefferson PTA Facebook

Jefferson PTA Instagram

2024-25 Officers:

  • Co-President: Angela Gregorich
  • Co-President: Denelle Greene
  • Vice President: Andrew Kirk
  • Secretary: Karen Swenson
  • Treasurer: Maggi Wigmosta